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Protected Learning Event – 03 July 2024

As requested by NHS Sussex we will be closed from 12.30pm on Wednesday 3 July for protected learning time for our team. We will be open as usual on Thursday 4 July from 8am.

If you require anything urgent which cannot wait until we reopen please call 01323 402710 for medical help and support between the hours of 12.30 and 6.30pm. Remember, you can always use our online service or the NHS app for prescriptions. Local pharmacies including the Buxted pharmacy will remain open.



Date announced- new way of working from 22 April 2024

Further to our announcement on 21 March we would like to confirm that with effect from 22 April 2024 we will be operating a new way of working called Accurx Total Triage. One of the aims of the new system is to remove the 8.00 a.m. ‘rush to book’ an appointment via the telephone which, can be stressful for both our patients and our staff.

Another aim of the new way of working is to improve access for our patients and make it easier for patients to make initial contact with us and for our team to understand everyone’s needs and help you to get the most appropriate help and support.

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document has been prepared with the help of our Patient Participation Group and we hope that this will provide useful information about our proposed Total Triage system and how this will change the way your requests to the surgery will be dealt with. A copy of our FAQ can be found below.

We understand that there will be patients who are unable to submit their request electronically, and you will still be able to phone us, or visit us in person. In these cases, a receptionist will ask you the same questions as the online form, and take the same information. These requests will then be dealt with in exactly the same way as those who submit their requests electronically with the requests being triaged by the same team triaging the electronic requests.

We will continue to work with our patients and engage on how this is working for patients and staff via the Patient Participation Group.

Thank you

FAQ Buxted Total Triage Model

New way of working coming soon! 21 March 2024

We recognise that the traditional method of people calling to book appointments at 8am is not working, from a patient and staff perspective. We have been researching alternative approaches and are delighted to announce that we will soon be moving to a brand new system.

The aim of the new way of working is to improve access for our patients and make it easier for patients to make initial contact with us and for our team to understand everyone’s needs and help you to get the most appropriate help and support.

In the new model we will be asking patients, where possible, to submit their medical and admin requests using a short form found on the homepage of our website ( The short form will ask a few questions about your issue and it will provide you with the opportunity to upload photos if you wish. It is designed to be as easy as possible to complete and will take no more than a few minutes.

Every request received will be triaged (reviewed) with the assistance of clinicians, and next steps will be determined for each patient. When an appointment is needed, these will be allocated on the basis of clinical need. Patients will no longer be given an appointment time at the time their form is submitted but instead, someone from the surgery will make contact once the request has been reviewed.

We understand that there will be patients who are unable to submit their request electronically, and you will still be able to phone us, or visit us in person. In these cases, a receptionist will ask you the same questions as the online form, and take the same information. These requests will then be dealt with in exactly the same way as those who submit their requests electronically with the requests being triaged by the same team triaging the electronic requests.

Once demand has been reached on a given day, patients will be advised to contact 111, similar to now or advised on next steps.

We believe that the new system will mean fairer access for all and will help ensure patient’s needs are met by the right person at the right time. GP appointment capacity should increase as we will be able to make better informed decisions about how best to manage a patient request.

Further updates and information, including a frequent asked questions document will be available in the near future. Further information about the total triage model can be found here

We will continue to work with our patients and engage on how this is working for patients and staff via the Patient Participation Group.

Thank you

Online consultations have changed - 26 February 2024

We are now using Accurx to support our online consultations and administrative requests. This has replaced Anima. We will be dramatically extending our use of online appointments and consultations from the 22nd April. This will significantly lessen the time spent by patients on the telephone as well as the time taken to book an appointment/ get medical assistance. Further information will be provided in the near future. 

Patient participation group (PPG newsletter) - 12 January 2024

Please click here for the latest PPG newsletter 


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