Welcome To The Patient Participation Group (PPG) Page - Patients Have A Voice!

Find out what we do and how you can get involved in the Patient Participation Group (PPG).

We currently have 2 vacancies on the PPG committee. If you are interested in joining the Committee, please email behmoppg@outlook.com.  You need to be a registered patient at the Buxted, East Hoathly and Manor Oak Surgery in order to out yourself forward. We are particularly interested in having committee members whose local surgery is Manor Oak. 

What is the PPG? 

As part of the NHS reforms, which came into force in April 2014, each GP Practice is required to establish a Patient participation Group (PPG) to represent patients views on how well their Practice is performing in meeting the needs of their community.

The Buxted and East Hoathly Medical Centres were quick to establish a PPG.  A small Committee of volunteers, representing a cross-section of patients from our three sites, meet on a regular basis.  The PPG's main purpose is to ensure that the services provided by the Medical Centres are responsive to patients needs and that where necessary, improve over time. 

In addition, part of the remit of the PPG is to carry out research, and to hold health awareness and information events and displays.  We can also help patients to find additional services and support for their condition in the community.

If you would like any further information regarding the PPG, or would like to help, please contact us via our email address:- behmoppg@outlook.com . This email address is currently monitored. Our Chair of the PPG is Martin Ensom, our Deputy Chair is Linda Mason.  Both can be contacted at behmoppg@outlook.com

Should you wish to make a complaint to the surgery, these should not be sent to the PPG but instead directly to the surgery, in order that any complaint can be investigated fully and responded to. The surgery's email address is sxicb-esx.buxted@nhs.net .

PPG Newsletter

Please see here for our latest PPG newsletter

PPG Meeting Minutes January 2018

PPG Meeting Minutes May 2019.pdf

PPG Meeting Minutes January 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes February 2022

PPG Meeting Minutes March 2018

PPG Meeting Minutes September 2019

PPG Meeting Minutes February 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes May 2022

PPG Meeting Minutes May 2018

PPG Meeting Minutes January 2020

PPG Meeting Minutes April 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes July 2022

PPG Meeting Minutes July 2018

PPG Meeting Minutes July 2020PPG Meeting Minutes May 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes September 2022

PPG Meeting Minutes November 2018

PPG Meeting Minutes August 2020

PPG Meeting Minutes July 2021

PPG meeting minutes 23 March 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes January 2019

PPG Meeting Minutes September 2020

PPG Meeting Minutes September 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes 27 March 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes March 2019

PPG Meeting Minutes November 2020

PPG Meeting Minutes December 2021

PPG Meeting Minutes 6 June 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes 5 July 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes 8 August 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes 4 October 2023

PPG Meeting Minutes 5 December 2023

PPG Minutes 5 February 2024

PPG Minutes 16 April 2024

Friends and family test

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how.

The surgery have made paper copies of the FFT available at their reception desks, you can also access the survey by clicking here

For further information about the Friends and Family test, please click on the below which will take you to a short video explaining about the FFT

FFT video summary

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